Solar Car Challenge Event Update 2025-3

Team Scrapbook Guidelines

Rule 3.9: Scrapbook - As evidence that solar cars are designed and constructed by high school students, teams must maintain a scrapbook showing students working on all phases of the solar car project, including planning, design, CAD, fundraising, building, and testing the solar car. Teams shall submit a digital copy of the scrapbook no later than June 15th. Teams must submit a hard copy of the scrapbook at Team Check-In.

(1) Teams will email a digital copy of their Scrapbook to no later than June 15th, 2025.

(2) The scrapbook must be submitted in a pdf format so that multiple judges can have easy access to the document. Google documents will not be accepted.

(3) The Scrapbook will be divided into two Sections:

  1. Section One: showing students working on all phases of the solar car project, including the planning, design, CAD, fundraising, building, and testing.
  2. Section Two: showing students design and engineering decisions through both narrative and photographs. Engineering decision-making is the cornerstone of your solar car project. Judges will want to see documentation showing your engineering challenges and how you resolved those issues.

    We understand your decisions are often limited by budget, resource availability, and time for construction. The Judges will want you to explain these decisions in your scrapbook as well as during your team’s oral presentation.

(4) The digital Scrapbook will become the property of the Solar Car Challenge Foundation, and will become part of your official team documentation.

Liability Insurance

Rule 8.8 requires teams provide Liability Insurance for solar cars. A certificate of insurance must be provided no later than June 1st. Email your liability insurance certificate to

I want to encourage teams to reach out to local Insurers, or work with your School’s Business Office. In many cases, a School District will include your solar car under an umbrella vehicle insurance policy.

Alternatively, teams have worked with the Frederickson Insurance Agency in Dallas to help teams secure a general liability insurance policy. The Philadelphia Insurance Company has agreed to provide their special event general liability coverage for the Solar Car Challenge again this year.  The premium charged will be $300 per team.  There is no application to complete.  Teams provide this information:

  1. Team/School name
  2. Mailing/billing address
  3. Contact person, phone number, email
  4. Number of solar cars
  5. Number of drivers

The policy provided by Philadelphia Insurance Company will secure your temporary license plate, and provide general liability coverage for team members while on the grounds at Texas Motor Speedway. The policy will exclude any coverage for first or third party bodily injury or property damage caused from operating your solar car or any other auto, including loading and unloading.  We recommend you discuss this exclusion with your team and parents. Please contact Melinda Carey at the Frederikson Agency for more information ( The Solar Car Challenge receives absolutely no benefit from your utilizing the services of the Frederikson Agency.

Team Video Presentation Guidelines

Rule 3.10: Video Presentation - Teams shall prepare a video presentation describing their solar car project. The team will have up to 8 minutes to give a full statement about the team’s project. Teams will be graded based on whether the presentation gave a full statement about the team’s project and engineering decisions made, whether all team members participated, whether the presentation was well prepared and rehearsed, whether the team was able to speak without the use of notes, whether the team used visual aids, and whether the team’s digital scrapbook adequately showcases the team’s progress and development of the vehicle.

Teams will be awarded up to 25 miles based on the quality and completeness of their video presentation, oral presentation, digital scrapbook, and registration packet. Penalties received during the event cannot affect miles awarded. Points will be awarded after the team passes Scrutineering.

Date Due: Presentations must be emailed to no later than July 1, 2025. Teams must submit their video in an mp4 format.

(1) Grading Criteria
(a) Did the video presentation give a full statement about the team’s project?
(b) Did the team explain their engineering decisions? For example: battery placement, array design etc.
(c) Did the team show documentation supporting their engineering decisions?
(d) Did all team members participate? [Every team member needs to speak]
(e) Was the presentation well prepared and rehearsed?
(f) Was the team able to speak without the use of notes?
(g) Did the team use visual aids?
(h) Was the video of the oral presentation sent in mp4 format to

(2) Video Guidelines
(a) The video should be an uninterrupted record of the team’s oral presentation. It should be the same as if the team were being videoed in front of a "live" panel of judges.
(b) Teams may use multi-media during their presentation if this media would have been used within their "live" oral presentation. Teams will receive a point reduction if they use professional editing or visual effects within their video.

Oral Presentation During Scrutineering - NEW!

(1) Teams will be scheduled to spend at least 5 minutes discussing their project with a Group of Judges. The Solar Car Team will be led by the Team Captain. (Advisors/Mentors may not attend).
(2) Oral questions may inquire into engineering decisions, construction issues & solutions, adherence to a production schedule, team management, CAD drawings, etc.
(3) It is recommended that teams bring a copy of their registration packet for reference.
(4) Teams will be assigned an Oral Presentation time slot during Team Check-In.