Solar Car Challenge Event Update 2024-5

Oral Presentations and Forever Miles

Teams will be assigned a specific time during Scrutineering to make an oral presentation describing their project.

Rule 3.10 provides that teams shall prepare an oral presentation describing their solar car project. The team will have up to 8 minutes to give a full statement about the team�s project. Based on available time, teams will also respond to questions about their project from the judges. Teams will have 2 minutes to set up and take down visual aids.

Teams will be graded based on:
(1) Did presentation gave a full statement about the team�s project and engineering decisions?
(2) Did all team members participate? This means that every member of the team had a role in the presentation... not just standing behind the speaker.
(3) Was the presentation well prepared and rehearsed?
(4) Was the team able to speak without the use of notes?
(5) Did the team use visual aids?
(6) Did the team�s scrapbook adequately showcase the team�s progress and development?
(7) Was the March 1st registration packet complete?

Teams will be awarded up to 20 miles for the quality of their presentation, response to questions from the judges, and the criteria outlined above (1-7). These points are called "forever" miles because they cannot be affected by penalties received during the event. The philosophy is that every team goes home with "some" miles.

Rule 5.4.3(f) Clarified
Battery Box Clarification for Lithium Based Batteries

Due to the fact that Lithium-based batteries, such as Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) and Lithium-Ion chemistries, do not outgas, forced-air ventilation for those batteries are not required per Rule 5.4.3(f). Because of this and in conjunction with Rule 5.4.3(e), battery boxes for Lithium-based batteries should be completely air tight with no holes for ventilation, especially into the driver's compartment. This also means that no explicit clearance is required between the batteries and the intake and exhaust of the battery enclosure, because there are no intakes or exhaust holes for these batteries.

Note that the remainder of Rule 5.4.3 applies to all battery chemistries. For example, all batteries must be enclosed within a rigid box-like structure (Rule 5.4.3(a)), strapped down or held in place using structural members (Rule 5.4.3(b)), and so on.

Use of Solar Car Challenge Logo

The Solar Car Challenge logo is the federally registered trademark of the Solar Car Challenge Foundation. It cannot be used by teams for items of attire, banners, or printed materials without the prior written approval of the Solar Car Challenge President.

Attire during the Solar Car Challenge

The Solar Car Challenge is based on the philosophy of "cooperation rather than competition." Our event focuses on bringing teams together through the camaraderie of the solar car experience. In keeping with this philosophy, we ask that team attire, banners, and printed materials focus on their solar car team logo, "school pride," or school. No attire, banners, or printed materials will be allowed that seek to promote any political candidate or philosophy. Failure to follow this guideline will result in the team being disqualified from the event.

Rule 6.11 - Attire for all participants (including students, advisers, sponsors, chaperones, and others participating or traveling with team) in the Solar Car Challenge must be appropriate. All participants must wear full-brimmed hats and closed-toe shoes throughout the event. Jeans are recommended for protection when working on the car and when kneeling on the ground. Shorts must be longer than the longest fingertip.

New Health Care Fee

The 2021 and 2022 Solar Car Challenge had rigid COVID testing regulations. Based on our experience during the 2023 Race, we will be re-installing health testing of all race participants. This will help insure the health and wellbeing of all students and teachers taking part in the race. All team race participants will receive a COVID/Flu test at the time of Team Check-In.

This test will be administered by Archpoint Laboratories on the day of Team Check-In. Prior testing of race participants will not be acceptable.

In the event that a race participant tests positive for COVID or Flu, the team will be required to isolate that person in facilities other than the event hotel. That person will not be allowed to return to the event without written permission from a doctor or other medical source.

The Solar Car Challenge will have an RN dedicated to COVID/Flu health care throughout the race. Our regular staff of EMTs will also be enlarged to insure proper care for all health conditions associated with a solar car race, including heat stress and minor injuries.

Event Update No. 2024-2 set out the fees associated with the 2024 Solar Car Challenge. This update announced a $25/person health fee which can be paid prior to the race or during Team Check-In.

Persons not taking part in this required testing will not receive race credentials, and will not be allowed to take part in any Race event. Race credentials must be worn at all times including the Opening Banquet, Scrutineering, Racing, Garage Work, and Awards Banquet.


The Opening Banquet (Thursday, July 11th) will be free for race participants with credentials. The Opening Banquet is intended for just race participants with credentials. This is not open to the public or parents. This helps us honor tickets purchased and unused in 2023.

The Awards Banquet (Wednesday, July 17th) will be open to everyone. Tickets are $35/person if purchased before June 1st. Tickets purchased from June 1st to July 17th are $45/person. Tickets purchased on July 17th are $100/person.

Extra Person Fee

Just as a reminder, teams are allocated 14 free "slots" in the event. Our philosophy is that a reasonable solar car team would be made up of 12 students and 2 teacher/chaperones. Our budget is based on this number. You are free to bring extra people as part of your team, but there is a $150/person extra person fee assessed at team check-in.

An "extra person" is defined as someone who will be with your team at Team Check-in, Event Banquets, or most of the Scrutineering/Racing days.

Publicity for your Team

Help us give your team publicity prior to the 2024 Solar Car Challenge! Just send photos of your team working on their solar car to

We will help promote your team on all of our social media platforms, and begin coordinating publicity with the Solar Car Challenge�s Public Relations Team.