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2007 Race Results
Round Rock, Texas to Newburgh, New York

Overall Standings
(689.1 driving miles available)
Rank Team Total Miles Driven Total Running Time Avg Speed (mph)
1 Newton County Solar Car Team 466.6 27:18:48 17.05
2 Ocean Springs Solar Team 458.0 24:44:58 18.55
3 Solaris 451.1 26:34:31 17.07
4 South Plantation Solar Knights 379.5 25:45:04 14.81
1* Houston Solar Race Team 689.1 17:45:13 38.76
1* NFA Solar Racing Team 689.1 17:54:33 38.42
3 CCHS Solar Car Project 688.1 19:18:04 35.65
4 Husker Solar Team 382.7 21:56:29 17.65
5 Walnut Solar Car Team 67.6 4:55:00 13.75
* Due to timing tolerances, ties are awarded to teams whose total miles are the same and total running time is within 1% tolerance.

Special Awards
Award Recipient
Chuck & Diana Hall Award
Presented to the Judge best representing the spirit of solar car racing.
   Criss Bartley
Fred Varian Award
Presented to the staff member who best represents the true spirit of solar car racing.
   Jonathan Hinds, William Shih
Guntis Terauds Award
Presented to the solar car team displaying the highest level of courage in the face of engineering obstacles.
   Walnut Solar Car Team
The Marks Award
Presented to the solar car team member displaying the true spirit of solar car racing.
   Robert Wilson
Randall Murphy Award
Presented to the solar car team teacher who best demonstrates the spirit of solar racing.
   Jason Smith, Scotty Nichols
Ocean Springs Solar Team
GE Asset Intelligence Award
Presented to the solar car team displaying the highest level of engineering excellence.
   Newburgh Free Academy Solar Racing Team
Texas State Conservation Energy Office Award
Presented to the solar car team displaying the highest level of good sportsmanship.
   Houston Solar Car Team
Order of the Solar Cell
Presented to those extremely special people who believe in high school solar car racing, and the great students who make it happen.
   Chuck Hall
Criss Bartley
Diana Hall
Guntis Terauds
James Neve
Jeremy Wickenheiser
Tyler Pryor
Web Mudge

Day 1 - Round Rock, Texas to Palestine, Texas
(115.6 driving miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 1 Newton County Solar Car Team 91.1 91.1 15.48 5:53:12
2 2 Solaris 86.5 86.5 17.37 4:58:48
3 3 South Plantation Solar Knights 71.5 71.5 19.69 3:43:59
4 4 Ocean Springs Solar Team 42.8 42.8 18.20 2:31:00
1 1 NFA Solar Racing Team 115.6 115.6 35.25 3:16:46
2 2 Houston Solar Race Team 115.6 115.6 33.45 3:27:23
3 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 115.6 115.6 29.96 3:51:30
4 4 Husker Solar Team 70.4 70.4 18.43 3:52:17

Day 2 - Palestine, Texas to Shreveport, Louisiana
(117.8 driving miles available; 233.4 cumulative miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 3 Ocean Springs Solar Team 85.3 129.1 17.45 7:24:18
2 1 Solaris 76.2 162.7 15.85 9:51:13
3 2 Newton County Solar Car Team 67.2 158.3 15.62 10:11:32
4 4 South Plantation Solar Knights 53.0 122.0 13.27 7:48:07
1 2 Houston Solar Race Team 117.8 233.4 40.87 6:20:20
2 1 NFA Solar Racing Team 117.8 233.4 39.76 6:14:33
3 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 116.8 232.4 34.71 7:15:09
4 4 Husker Solar Team 59.1 129.5 15.23 7:45:06

Day 3 - Shreveport, Louisiana to Houston, Mississippi
(100.6 driving miles available; 334.0 cumulative miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 1 Newton County Solar Car Team 54.2 212.5 20.46 12:50:29
2 3 Ocean Springs Solar Team 52.1 181.2 19.67 10:03:09
3 2 Solaris 42.2 204.9 19.00 12:04:26
4 4 South Plantation Solar Knights 39.8 164.3 16.63 10:11:45
1 1 NFA Solar Racing Team 100.6 334.0 42.45 8:36:44
2 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 100.6 333.0 40.40 9:44:34
3 2 Houston Solar Race Team 100.6 334.0 39.39 8:53:35
4 4 Husker Solar Team 41.7 171.2 18.81 9:58:07

Day 4 - Houston, Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee
(98.7 driving miles available; 432.7 cumulative miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 1 Newton County Solar Car Team 41.6 254.1 16.39 15:22:49
2 3 Ocean Springs Solar Team 41.6 222.8 13.10 13:13:42
3 2 Solaris 37.2 242.2 15.66 14:27:10
4 4 South Plantation Solar Knights 27.7 192.0 12.23 12:27:36
1 2 Houston Solar Race Team 98.7 432.7 44.94 11:05:22
2 1 NFA Solar Racing Team 98.7 432.7 44.53 10:49:43
3 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 98.7 431.7 42.38 12:04:18
4 4 Husker Solar Team 43.0 215.2 16.35 12:36:01
5 5 Walnut Solar Car Team 24.2 24.2 12.68 1:54:40

Day 5 - Nashville, Tennessee to Washington Court House, Ohio
(29.2 driving miles available; 461.9 cumulative miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 2 Solaris 29.2 271.3 22.48 15:42:26
2 3 Ocean Springs Solar Team 29.2 252.0 20.57 14:35:58
3 1 Newton County Solar Car Team 29.2 283.3 17.01 17:02:16
4 4 South Plantation Solar Knights 29.2 221.2 15.25 14:30:23
1 2 Houston Solar Race Team 29.2 461.9 34.86 11:53:54
2 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 29.2 460.9 29.68 13:01:19
3 1 NFA Solar Racing Team 29.2 461.9 28.52 11:49:03
4 4 Husker Solar Team 27.2 241.4 19.33 14:03:34

Day 6 - Washington Court House, Ohio to Canton, Ohio
(47.6 driving miles available; 509.5 cumulative miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 3 Ocean Springs Solar Team 47.6 299.6 22.00 16:45:46
2 2 Solaris 47.6 318.9 19.96 18:05:32
3 1 Newton County Solar Car Team 47.6 330.9 17.41 19:46:17
4 4 South Plantation Solar Knights 42.4 263.6 14.20 17:29:27
1 2 Houston Solar Race Team 47.6 509.5 40.65 13:04:10
2 1 NFA Solar Racing Team 47.6 509.5 38.04 13:04:08
3 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 47.6 508.5 36.42 14:19:44
4 4 Husker Solar Team 35.4 276.8 17.87 16:02:32

Day 7 - Canton, Ohio to Erie, Pennsylvania
(71.7 driving miles available; 581.2 cumulative miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 3 Ocean Springs Solar Team 71.7 371.3 22.91 19:53:33
2 4 South Plantation Solar Knights 71.7 335.3 14.71 22:21:56
3 1 Newton County Solar Car Team 70.0 400.9 19.95 23:16:43
4 2 Solaris 69.2 388.1 19.35 21:47:52
1 1 Houston Solar Race Team 71.7 581.2 37.62 14:58:31
2 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 71.7 580.2 33.97 16:26:22
3 2 NFA Solar Racing Team 71.7 581.2 33.54 15:12:24
4 4 Husker Solar Team 63.1 339.9 18.99 19:29:56
5 5 Walnut Solar Car Team 30.9 55.1 13.86 4:08:36

Day 8 - Erie, Pennsylvania to Rochester, New York
(71.8 driving miles available; 653.0 cumulative miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 3 Ocean Springs Solar Team 71.8 443.1 18.61 23:44:59
2 2 Solaris 58.2 446.3 13.37 26:09:04
3 1 Newton County Solar Car Team 57.0 457.9 17.56 26:31:27
4 4 South Plantation Solar Knights 40.6 375.9 14.20 25:13:25
1 1 Houston Solar Race Team 71.8 653.0 42.89 16:38:57
2 2 NFA Solar Racing Team 71.8 653.0 41.54 16:56:06
3 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 71.8 652.0 39.49 18:15:28
4 4 Husker Solar Team 39.0 378.9 18.38 21:37:16
5 5 Walnut Solar Car Team 12.5 67.6 16.12 4:55:00

Day 9 - Rochester, New York to Newburgh, New York
(36.1 driving miles available; 689.1 cumulative miles available)
Day Rank Overall Rank Team Miles Driven Today Total Miles Driven Day's Avg Speed (mph) Total Running Time
1 2 Ocean Springs Solar Team 14.9 458.0 14.90 24:44:58
2 1 Newton County Solar Car Team 8.7 466.6 11.02 27:18:48
3 3 Solaris 4.8 451.1 11.41 26:34:31
4 4 South Plantation Solar Knights 3.6 379.5 6.82 25:45:04
1 2 NFA Solar Racing Team 36.1 689.1 37.06 17:54:33
2 3 CCHS Solar Car Project 36.1 688.1 34.60 19:18:04
3 1 Houston Solar Race Team 36.1 689.1 32.69 17:45:13
4 4 Husker Solar Team 3.8 382.7 11.86 21:56:29